An Overview of, Hill View College Of Nursing

Hill View College is an Institution run and Managed by Hill View Medical Education Society, Registered by Jharkhand "Societies Registration Act of 1860" on 28th Dec 2010. The Registered office is Situated at Hill View Central Building, Hill View Road, Bariatu, Ranchi, Jharkhand. The main aims and objectives of said Society is to open allopathic, homeopathic, naturopathy treatment Centers and educational Centers with a holistic medical approach in different areas of town and its peripheries to serve the needy aling people by providing the most essential medical services

Hill View College aims to create a world Class education and training center backed by remarkable infrastructure, futuristic technology and an extraordinary vision of Late Dr. Vinod Priya, and dedicated Service to the sick and suffering people irrespective of their Caste, Creed, Color or their economic Condition.


Many people’s conception of nursing is limited to “caring for frail or sick old people in a home or hospital ward” It is true that more nurses than ever are needed to provide that type of care. But many nursing specialities and careers can take you beyond. Nurse midwives, help deliver babies and help women to stay healthy and avoid complications during and after pregnancy perinatal also known as neonatal or obstetric nurses monitor and care for women before, while, and after they deliver babies. Peri operative nurses assist before, during and after surgery. Public health nurses attempt to keep entire communities as healthy as possible by preventing and controlling the spread of disease and the incidence of environmental related health problems, as well as by educating people how to maintain their well-ness. They are employer by community organisations ranging in size from camps and schools to city health departments. They are recruited at Government Hospitals & Private Nursing Homes and Individual home, big organisations to look after their employee. They can also make their independent services in their particular areas. And they all make them earn both money as well as social reputation thus. Nursing has a great opportunity ahead. So get start get going.

Our Vision :

Hill View College Committed to making a Significant Contribution to health care in india through excellence and innovation in the preparation of nurses, With development of nurses Knowledge, and Leadership in nursing practice to providing extraordinary care to individuals of all ages, races, cultures, religion and social economic backgrounds.

Our Mission :

To improve and promote health & Wellness in individuals, families and Communities through the discovery and dissemination of nursing Knowledge and the translation of sciences into practice.

IN Loving Memory Of (Dr. Vinod Priya) :

DR. VINOD PRIYA Started Hill View College to Give Jharkhand and Our Country. Quality nurses. A True Visionary, Very hard Working, Most enthusiastic Person Of Jharkhand has ever got. People Used to follow path enlightened by him. Today Hill View College Of Nursing is the top most nursing school of jharkhand in academics. 100% result in council board exam, with state toppers in each batch. This was the dream of Dr. Vinod Priya Which is Undoubtedly been Carried forward.

From The Director's Desk (Dr. Nitesh Priya):

Welcome to Hill View College, Ranchi. These are the exciting times in the school as our school faces escalating growth in our student body and a changing demographic population. This is also an important time for healthcare and the nursing profession. Not only nurses needed more than ever, but national and international attentaion on healthcare reform creates opportunities for nurses to be a major part of the solution. The School's / College mision is to provide leadership in nursing education, practice and research, with the Ultimate goal of Offering exceptional Programs and quality education to all student. Our educational Programs are Consistently Well received and ranked highly by the public we serve, and Our school Continues to enjoy Producing Outstanding nurses who serve as leaders, practitioner, and scholars Within the state and in the nation.